Energy Edibles - Chewable Waker Uppers For A Mood Boost


Energy Edibles are treats designed to defy the limits of sluggishness. Infuse your day with a relentless surge of vitality and say goodbye to snooze buttons and hello to a life filled with high-octane action. Join the ranks of energized warriors who refuse to settle for mediocrity and become an unstoppable force, even by your alarm clock's standards. Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, these delicious treats will help you level up and leave those slowpoke traits in the dust.
7 Results

Customers Reviews

I love these!! Dope Dreams is what I have been looking for forever! I have a terrible time staying asleep, and this helps that!!! I also have trouble falling asleep and they help that too, but staying asleep has been the harder issue for me, Dope Dreams keeps me sleeping all night and I'm not "hungover" in the morning either! Wake me up has helped me to get my butt off the couch and get things done. I have trouble getting up and going some days; one of these makes me want to do something! I love the feeling they give me!
Been using these for two weeks, I can't explain how much they’ve legit changed my life. I keep both of these bottles on my nightstand and take the sleep gummies as soon as I go to bed and the energy gummies as soon as I wake up. I'm already saving hundreds on coffee!
Terrific bundle! These are exactly what I was looking for. I love the taste of the Sweet Dream gummies but also really love the texture of the Pick Me Up ones. Kind of irrelevant anyways, they both work really well!

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